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OCA President visits Syrian refugees in Jordan 06/05/2013

Amman, Jordan: The President of the Olympic Council of Asia, H.E. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, visited the Al-Zatari Camp, located on the border of Jordan and Syria, where approximately 120,000 Syrian refugees have been camped. The refugees have been displaced from the ongoing war in Syria and the figure includes 70,000 children.

The visit - on Tuesday, June 4 - was part of the OCA's efforts to promote peace through sport in conflict zones of Asia. The aim of the visit was to create social awareness and also encourage the children and youth stationed in the camp to practice sports and physical education and become a responsible individual in society.

H.E. Sheikh Ahmad donated footballs among other things to the children and hoped that some of them would be future national players for their countries.

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